Weekly 10/22 - 10/28
- 催稿人: @ComMouse
- 交稿人: @at15 @swaylq @arrowrowe @ComMouse
- MissAtomicBomb File manager for Rich Text Editors.
- Let's Encrypt HTTPS 计划 (雾
Flexbox is awesome!
by @swaylq
[专栏] Web ABC
- Observatory An interface for Object.observe with mongodb style querying
- You Might Not Need jQuery Native subsitutions for jQuery
[专栏] Mobile App Framework
- Ratchet: Build mobile apps with simple HTML‚ CSS‚ and JS components.
- Ionic: The beautiful, open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with web technologies.
- PhoneGap: Easily create apps using the web technologies you know and love: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- 10 Frameworks to Build Mobile Application with HTML, CSS & JavaScript
~~weekly 上全是前端的东西,所以并不会去看....~~
weekly 上全是前端的东西,我看不懂...
by @xsfour
For this reason, a back-end gift comes this week! Two columns!
Codeception Modern PHP testing for everyone
Ideal for RESTful API testing
by @at15
Sami API Document Generator
API 前面的封装层, rate limit, 认证, 基于 nginx (感觉真心不错啊, 水 so 水到 imgur 水到 https://gelato.io 水到 kong) 应该有种可以模仿某个用户习惯的爬虫....
by @at15
Mashape API 的状态监控, 包括自己的和第三方的
[专栏] Real-time Server
- ReactPHP (The "Node.js" in PHP) Event-driven, non blocking async IO.
- Ratchet Websocket implementation based on React
- Predis-Async Redis Asynchroization Client based on React (Yeah, pub-sub supported!)
- You need to use dev version to get the fresh experience
- Swoole High performanced async networking framework. From Tencent.
- Pomelo A high performance game server framework with Node.js from Netease
[专栏] PHP 7
PHP 7 will be released on Dec 3 ~~Nov 26~~ ~~Nov 12~~!!
- PHP 7 Overview
- Migrating from 5.6 to 7 Official Migrating Guide
继上周前端工种之后, 再来一篇设计师工种......
- Brainfuck JIT Compiler
- fullweb.io A weekly for full stack