Weekly 12/31 - 01/06
周报第十四期 - 催稿人: @swaylq的shadowsocks@at15 - 交稿人: @arrowrowe @LukeXuan @swaylq @gaocegege @at15
- Uranus 一个简易的聊天软件。。。 (乾乾用socket.io做的大作业)
一向追求酷炫的 JS 社区
- webtorrent: Streaming torrent client for the web. from @gaocegege
- Keymage is a small (1.5kb min.gz) library for handling key bindings in JavaScript. It supports nested application scopes, has a simple DSL for defining keys and can handle key chords.
Support things like
,ctrl-j k
,ctrl-t ctrl-j k
, ......
- Trails, another web application for Node.js, built by former members of the Sails.js core team. 主要是用es6
- Yeoman helps you to kickstart new projects, prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive. 很有名的yeoman, 其实除了开坑速度快,感觉用处不大.
- Essential JavaScript Links
- local-npm (及其 安利), 可能可以用来搭镜像? 有空看看 - -
- Adonis.js v2 released – Laravel for Node.js. MVC Framework for NodeJs to write webapps with less code.
沉闷的 PHP 社区
代码真的好简陋, 这个风格我喜欢.... @at15
- Kivy - Open source Python library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps.
- https://github.com/baidu
- https://github.com/baidu/galaxy 类似 g 家的 borg, borg 的相关论文见 http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/zh-CN//pubs/archive/43438.pdf
我们会将整个支撑百度搜索新架构的组件开源出来,目前已经开源的有, 1、tera分布式表格系统 2、ins 分布式锁 3、sofa-pbrpc rpc矿建 4、galaxy 集群操作系统 一切都在 github.com/baidu ,敬请关注 from http://www.oschina.net/news/69522/galaxy-2-0
- java读取rss 可以做个可以分享的 rss reader
红星操作系统(Installation): 朝鲜自家的操作系统
看样子高仿os x,但据说是基于Fedora的。。手动金三胖鼓掌 from @gaocegege
cc @gaocegege @at15
- fedy fedora装机必备 一键安装flash truetype字体 关闭selinux等。
- 深度学习 mxnet 施大师最近刚开了pr, 施大师传送门
推荐 5 MIN QUICKSTART, 亲测可以跑...... @arrowrowe
- JavaScript 模块化七日谈 (by 黄玄)
- websocket 的一些问题
- kafka 和 rabbitMQ 的对比 感觉postman 可能用 rabbitMQ 好一些,话说好像 openstack 里也用了 rabbitMQ
- Algorithms (Part I, Part II) of Coursera. This course covers the essential information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms and data structures, with emphasis on applications and scientific performance analysis of Java implementations.
- 官方教材 from cece
npm 的依赖处理变化 from @arrowrowe
Dependency resolution depends on install order, or the order in which things are installed will change the node_modules directory tree structure. A simple case is,
More complicated cases are discussed in npm3 Duplication and Deduplication, introducing the
npm dedupe
鸡汤类 from @arrowrowe
It's important for programmers to challenge themselves.
Creative and technical stagnation is the only alternative.
In the spirit of the new year, I've compiled twelve month-sized resolutions.
Each month is an annually renewable technical or personal challenge:
- Go analog.
- Stay healthy.
- Embrace the uncomfortable.
- Learn a new programming language.
- Automate.
- Learn more mathematics.
- Focus on security.
- Back up your data.
- Learn more theory.
- Engage the arts and humanities.
- Learn new software.
- Complete a personal project.
Read on for my suggestions.
cc @gaocegege @at15
干嘛cc我俩....是因为personal project从来都开坑不填么...
- Openage, a free (as in freedom) clone of the Age of Empires II engine.
似乎是一个组织, 并且他们说 'We mostly program in Scala and Javascript'.........
cc @gaocegege
- http://tshe.me/ 可以定制衬衫, 要不我们把聚餐的钱用来做 t-shirt ? (cece:还不如做贴纸)
- re @at15 https://commandp.com.cn/在这家印过贴纸,棒棒哒