Weekly 02/18 - 02/24
周报第二十一期 - 催稿人:@ComMouse - 交稿人:@at15 @arrowrowe @Bluemit @ComMouse @gaocegege @LukeXuan @tq5124
开学第一期,祝大家新学期过得愉快~ Enjoy yourselves! ~~(误~~ by @ComMouse
元宵节快乐~ (没吃到元宵.... by @at15
recommended by @arrowrowe
As for the plans, our nearest goals are (apart from bug fixes):
- Constant performance improvements for the Kotlin toolchain (this includes, for example, incremental compilation in Gradle, that is in the works now);
- JavaScript support (including cross-compilation into both JVM and JS where possible);
- Support generating Java 8 byte code with optimized lambdas, etc (Java 6 will be actively supported as long as Android users need it).
by @LukeXuan
Some minor fixes, PHP 7 is not supported
by @at15
GitHub: 新 feature 们~
Coding: 为什么 Coding 不是中国的 Github?
"在我们拿到 A 轮投资的时候,有人建议我......"
--为什么 Coding 不是中国的 Github?
Bitbucket: 新近的一篇安利, 6 Bitbucket secrets. ~~(只是强行凑三篇同类投稿...)~~
Coding 那篇是之前看 @gaocegege 分享的.
recommended by @arrowrowe
recommended by @arrowrowe
Creating, testing and maintaining a large JavaScript code base is not easy — especially since great resources on how to do this are hard to find. This page is a collection of the best articles, videos and presentations we've found on the topic.
recommended by @arrowrowe
Getting Ready For HTTP/2: A Guide For Web Designers And Developers
In this article, we’ll look at the basics of HTTP/2 as they apply to web designers and developers. I’ll explain some of the key features of the new protocol, look at browser and server compatibility, and detail the things you might need to think about as we see more adoption of HTTP/2. By reading this article, you will get an overview of what to consider changing in your workflow in the short and long term. I’ll also include plenty of resources if you want to dig further into the issues raised. My aim is to give you enough of the background to be able to make good decisions as you plan your move to HTTP/2.
cc @gaocegege
recommended by @arrowrowe
CMU Introduction to Computer System
2b 小伙伴推荐的
recommended by @at15
(小编按)配合 CSAPP 效果更佳
recommended by @at15
recommended by @at15
我至今仍然极度推崇 Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors ,认为那是对我个人了解分布式编程理论的启蒙之作 许式伟
recommended by @at15
[专题] Golang
一个 Production Ready 的 Git Client Library,Golang 的库
recommended by @gaocegege
看到土豆丝 @gaocegege Star 了,似乎是个性能很好的 Go HTTP Web Framework 感觉可以用来做一些类似 Proxy 的工作,我记得以前看到过一个用 Go 写的 MySQL 的 Proxy
recommended by @at15
Packer is a tool for creating machine and container images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration
Support Docker, VirtualBox, VMWare, Amazon EC2 ..... @gaocegege have a look?
recommended by @at15
[专题] Better GitHub
Browser extensions (Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari) to display GitHub and GitLab code in tree format.
大名鼎鼎的插件,树形展示 Github/GitLab 项目代码。
recommended by @Bluemit
Show tooltip for use and repo when hover. This is a duplicated one.
recommended by @at15
Navigate in your JS file like in WebStorm
recommended by @at15
GitHub default search bar sucks, this one is provided by https://www.algolia.com
recommended by @at15
WeUI 是一套同微信原生视觉体验一致的基础样式库,由微信官方设计团队为微信 Web 开发量身设计,可以令用户的使用感知更加统一。包含 Button、Cell、Dialog、Progress、 Toast、Article、ActionSheet、Icon 等各式元素。
recommended by @ComMouse
Automatically add a progress bar to your site.
傻瓜式页面加载进度条,比 GitLab 效果炫酷。
recommended by @ComMouse
A cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool written in Python.
recommended by @arrowrowe
Simple Python Version Management: pyenv
pyenv lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of single-purpose tools that do one thing well.
This project was forked from rbenv and ruby-build, and modified for Python. 好像挺好用? 没试...
recommended by @arrowrowe
Weather for City and its repo ```
$ curl wttr.in Weather for City: Shanghai, China
\ / Clear .-. 9 – 11 °C
― ( ) ― ↖ 15 km/h
-’ 10 km / \ 0.0 mm
recommended by @at15
iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.
iTerm 2 新版本,大家都看得到的变化是
- A Fresh Look
- iTerm2 has been updated for the modern Mac OS X "flat" look and is stunningly beautiful.
recommended by @gaocegege
- A Fresh Look
Cross-platform Linux without the suck
Based on interactive Node.js library https://github.com/dthree/vorpal
Node's framework for interactive CLIs. http://vorpal.js.org
I remember Node.js repl can be used programmatically, I don't if vorpal is using it under the hood.
recommended by @at15
recommended by @arrowrowe
看 Rainux star 的, 并没有试过 (因为没有 Mac...)
recommended by @arrowrowe
recommended by @arrowrowe
by @gaocegege