Weekly 03/24 - 03/30
- 催稿人:@arrowrowe
- 交稿人: @at15 @swaylq @arrowrowe @ComMouse @LukeXuan @gaocegege @Bluemit @InubashiriMomizi
Git | So Let's Talk about Git
下周 @swaylq 讲 Git 哦~
Java Git 相关
- Gitblit, an open source, pure Java Git solution for managing, viewing, and serving Git repositories.
- JGit, an EDL licensed, lightweight, pure Java library implementing the Git version control system.
- JGit: Cannot find a tutorial or simple example | Stack Overflow
- jgit-cookbook. Provides examples and code snippets for the JGit Java Git implementation.
git-time-machine, a package for Atom that allows you to travel back in time!
容器与云平台相关 | 开箱可食
Cookpad 近期微服务经验总结, 日本一家 Rails 公司 Cookpad 的微服务心得. (From zenany/weekly@4be0479)
Seagull, friendly Web UI to manage and monitor docker with full features.
交大云平台 出炉! 基于 UnitedStack, 后者基于 OpenStack.
Golang | Go Go Go!
Minio, an object storage server compatible with Amazon S3.
Caddy, Golang 的多平台服务器架设, 支持 HTTP/2, Let's Encrypt 等.
Teleport (repo), SSH for Clusters and Teams. Extend SSH to create a modern access layer for teams working on distributed infrastructure. (From zenany/weekly@4be0479)
BigCache, fast, concurrent, evicting in-memory cache written to keep big number of entries without impact on performance.
PHP 相关发布 | ********
Phalcon 2.1.0 RC1 发布, 该版本是一个大版本更新, 且不再兼容 PHP 5.3. 在 Phalcon 2.1 中, 官方宣称加入了 PHP 7 的支持.
Laravel 5.1 中文文档 by Laravel 学院.
以前一直纠结为何中文文档一直不出.. Laravel 官方文档的两个教程也有中文了 == 感觉是看到过的 Laravel 中文站里资源和教程相对来说最丰富的站了== @ComMouse
CodeIgniter 4. See also CodeIgniter 4 Proposed Roadmap.
前端, Node & NPM | Liberated!
NPM 大新闻: I’ve Just Liberated My Modules. 讨论众多, 建议自行 google~
- 网页前端技术小组分享计划, 交大电院科协 "Web技术交流组" 讲义, from @oncemore2020.
- Node Hero, a tutorial series, just publishes its first two chapters, which is quite easy and short. Seems friendly to beginners.
- Getting Started With Node.js
- Using NPM
- 史上最全 前端开发面试问题及答案整理
- 重提一下老问题: AngularJS: Factory vs Service vs Provider.
- Angular 2 相关
- Welcome ng2 modules coordination repository
- ng2-bootstrap, native Angular2 directives for Bootstrap, works with Bootstrap 3 and 4-alfa.
- Awesome Angular 2, awesome list of Angular 2 seed repos, starters, boilerplates, examples, tutorials, components, modules, videos, and anything else in the Angular 2 ecosystem.
- Angular2 Webpack Starter. This seed repo serves as an Angular 2 starter for anyone looking to get up and running with Angular 2 and TypeScript fast.
- Angular Style Guide
更好的 ajax?... @at15
Emulators written in JavaScript (From zenany/weekly@4be0479)
📝 alex — Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing. (See its website for a live demo.)
往期回顾 - Weekly/21: Cash, cross-platform Linux commands in pure ES6, 上 trending 了~
QQBot, a Hubot adapter for QQ! 基于 WebQQ 协议 的QQ机器人. 命令行工具, 由不可☆思议的 CoffeeScript 提供支持.
Slack-like | Yet Another 系列
Mattermost (repo), an open source, self-hosted Slack-alternative in Golang and React.
Teambition 的简聊开源了... btw, 代码是 coffe, 后端用 express, 搜索是 els + ik......
工具和服务 | Better Life Thanks to Tech
Anki, 速记卡.
Koding: Get developers up & running on any project, from anywhere in just 5 minutes with Koding.
Greenhouse, software to optimize your entire recruiting process.
Hushmail, 提供加密服务的邮件服务商.
看 PT 上一个压制组招人的邮箱后缀找到的. @at15
GitHub New Feature: Saved replies
更多 | もっともっと!
用爬虫爬取知乎赞同数超过 20K 的答案合集 (不定期更新)
召唤作者 @Bluemit 快开源快开源! @arrowrowe
OpenToonz, 日本的开源动画软件.
然而从 manual 到界面全是日文...... @at15
Windows 下的 Openresty. 为了写代码的时候能方便扯淡... 以及解决硬盘太小的问题... 又开始找各种 Windows 的安装包... @at15
aima-python: Python code for the book Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.
JSPatch bridges Objective-C and JavaScript using the Objective-C runtime.
绕过苹果审核机制自动更新. @swaylq