Weekly 03/31 - 04/06
- 催稿人:听说是@LukeXuan,后来302至@gaocegege
- 交稿人:
- 缓存系列文章,一系列关于缓存的科普文章,也涉及到了书上讲的cache,一致性哈希,布隆过滤器等等在现实生活中的使用。感觉很棒,又可以去跟同学吹水了。
- restify, a smallish framework, similar to express for building REST APIs. For full details, see http://restify.com.
- writing-fast-cache-service-in-go,使用golang写一个快速的cache服务(道理我都懂,但是为什么要自己造轮子呢。轮子地址:github.com/allegro/bigcache
- Preact, fast 3kb alternative to React with the same ES6 API.
- urlite,a very small, fast, dependency free url parser and formatter for nodejs and the web. It extracts all url fragments in a single step using one massive regex. 真羡慕你们会写正则的人
- Growth: 全栈增长工程师指南
- Web framework with MVC model. Angular.js + Knockout.js way,这些我都是没有评价的资格的。
看 example 不错,coffee 写的
- ChakraCore, the core part of the Chakra Javascript engine that powers Microsoft Edge.
- Introducing React Storybook. 还没认真玩过 React......
- JIbbs,A BBS for SJTU-UMJI,第一眼看成了。。算了还是不说了
- github.com/primefaces/primeng, angular2 UI components
- https://icons8.com/ 很多很多的icon
- at15/bform-web#1
angular2 相关的资料,我先放自己毕设的前端 repo 里了。
- rmarkdown,r语言对markdown的原生支持,集成在rstudio中,对中文支持很差。😕 1
- github.com/weijianwen/SJTUThesis sjtu thesis 模板发布 0.9
- EditorConfig, Textlint and textlint-rule-editorconfig (Fixable! Proudly presented by @arrowrowe). 🎉 3
- Review Weekly/26: Alex. Wrote textlint-rule-alex tonight only to find it already published here two months ago by Textlint's core developer @azu :laughing: (thanks for @azu's star ^ ^)
- github.com/PeggyZWY/sjtu120avatar 我交头像生成 \w/ @gaocegege star 的, from @PeggyZWY
btw: 感觉用 canvas 会更好一点
- NovelScript, A Visual Novel Engine Based on JavaScript. 0.1发布
- http://haxe.org/
The Cross-platform Toolkit Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language, a cross-compiler, a complete cross-platform standard library and ways to access each platform's native capabilities.
gx was designed with the following major goals in mind:
- Be language/ecosystem agnostic by providing git-like hooks for adding new ecosystems.
- Built-in semantic versioning.
- Use a flexible, distributed storage backend.
- go-libp2p,看上去挺有趣的
libp2p is a networking stack and library modularized out of The IPFS Project, and bundled separately for other tools to use.
- ipfs, The Permanent Web
- github.com/thejameskyle/spectacle-code-slide,一种用来展示代码的方式
- https://mart.coding.net/quote coding 提供了项目估价功能
- Tooll, a new multi-purpose application for creating interactive 3d content and animations. C#写的,意味着OS X🐶可以洗洗睡了。👍 1
- MS-word, Microsoft Word for Windows 1.1a source code
- Caravel, a data exploration platform designed to be visual, intuitive and interactive. (Presented by Airbnb)
- Snowplow, the event analytics platform.
- PredictionIO
- awesome-artificial-intelligence and found a fightcodegame.com fight js robots
- http://roborace.com/
- github.com/postcss/postcss, a lot of plugins, like autoprefixer
Transforming styles with JS plugins http://postcss.org/
It uses the fileSystem API, which basically writes the file to a sandboxed section of your local file system: AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\File System\