Weekly 04/14 - 04/20
- 催稿人: @swaylq (由 @arrowrowe 代理)
- 交稿人: @at15 @swaylq @arrowrowe @ComMouse @gaocegege @InubashiriMomizi @sxjscience
For Productivity
Editor and Extension
Visual Studio Code 更新后, 变成中文版本了, 而且多了很多 theme, 更加好用了. @gaocegege - Micro, a terminal-based text editor that aims to be easy to use and intuitive, while also taking advantage of the full capabilities of modern terminals. (And it's written in Golang.) - Kite, your programming copilot, augments your coding environment with all the internet’s programming knowledge.See its plugins at kiteco/plugins (currently IntelliJ, Atom, Sublime, Vim available).
Mac Apps
- Hammerspoon (GitHub: Hammerspoon/hammerspoon), a tool for powerful automation of OS X.
推荐一个可编程(使用 Lua)的效率工具 Hammerspoon. 一个 app 优雅搞定 Manico, Slate, SizeUp 等一堆工具解决的问题. 这 是我的配置文件, 使用 Moonscript 编写, 配置应该是自解释的. @rainux - Medis (GitHub: luin/medis), a beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis, built with Electron.
- Laravel Repository Pattern
- Using Repository Pattern in Laravel 5
- andersao/l5-repository, Laravel 5 Repositories to abstract the database layer.
- anlutro/laravel-repository, pseudo-repositories on top of Laravel's ORM.
- Bosnadev/Repositories, Laravel Repositories, a package for Laravel 5 which is used to abstract the database layer.
- Class Preloader, optimizes class loading performance by generating a single PHP file containing all of the autoloaded files for a specific use case.
- 給網站初學者的建議:用 RUBY ON RAILS 非常辛苦,用 PHP 非常舒服
难得有赞扬世界上最好语言的文章. @ComMouse
Quality Assurance
- alibaba/F2etest, 一个面向前端, 测试, 产品等岗位的多浏览器兼容性测试整体解决方案.
- Welcoming JSCS to ESLint, the JSCS team is now part of the ESLint team!
- How to work with SVG icons (中译: SVG 图标制作指南, 同时发布在 知乎专栏)
Libraries and Frameworks
- Angular
- colthreepv/angular-login-example, a stand-alone project showing how to make a robust angular application serving access permissions from Server.
- React
More JavaScript Libraries
- Hjson, the Human JSON (GitHub: laktak/hjson).
- browserstate/history.js, gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers.
Badge 是亮点... 项目 13 年之后就没有更新了, 不过或许曾经 inspire 了很多前端 router 的实现? @at15 - WhitestormJS, a framework for 3D web apps built with Three.js technology. - niklasvh/html2canvas, takes "screenshots" of webpages or parts of it, directly on the users browser.
In fact it rebuilds the DOM in a canvas... @arrowrowe
Java and Scala
- Vaadin (GitHub: vaadin/vaadin), a Java framework for building modern web applications that look great, perform well and make you and your users happy.
- Finally, CSS In JavaScript! Meet CSSX
- Bluebird in the wild: Advanced promise-based workflows (reference: API Reference | bluebird)
- Continue the Node Hero series! It's the 4th already: Your First Node.js HTTP Server.
- 百度 H5 (from zenany/weekly@ce37552)
百度的 H5 工具, 文档感觉有点粗糙, 不知道产品怎么样. @at15 - Reveal.js controlled by gestures based on WebCam
那个貌似只能当玩具... @ComMouse
The more important thing is, don't give a programmer the liberty to design... Everyone wants to be an artist... @at15
We’ve all used a form to login, submit a help request, place an order, book a flight, schedule a meeting and perform countless other data entry tasks. Forms are the mainstay of business applications.
Any seasoned web developer can slap together an HTML form with all the right tags. It's more challenging to create a cohesive data entry experience that guides the user efficiently and effectively through the workflow behind the form.
That takes design skills that are, to be frank, well out of scope for this chapter.
Froms | Angular 2 for TypeScript - 从《中文排版需求》开始, 中文排版指南. (from zenany/weekly@ce37552)
- Go Books
- Torrent related stuff in Golang.
- colthreepv/golang-torrent-recap, a torrent library for Golang.
- anacrolix/torrent, full-featured BitTorrent client package and utilities.
- Sioro-Neoku/go-peerflix, watching while downloading.
Linux, Ubuntu, Docker etc.
- docker-alpine, a super small Docker image based on Alpine Linux.
- sysdig (GitHub: draios/sysdig), universal system visibility with native container support.
- Snappy Ubuntu Core, Ubuntu for IoT.
Seems to be a new package system or small os image? @at15 - Snappy, the software at the heart of Ubuntu Core.
Reading List
Deep Learning etc.
- Deep Learning, an MIT Press book, a resource intended to help students and practitioners enter the field of machine learning in general and deep learning in particular.
- Deep Learning Tutorial Series for NLP
- Code samples for Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- GPUImage 2, a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing.
- xtaci/algorithms, C++ 的各种算法实现.
看看别人写的代码才觉得自己写的 style 好差劲. @gaocegege - Fantasy Land Specification, specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript.
Continuous Delivery
- Chef (GitHub: chef/chef), a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. See also Facebook Chef cookbooks.
- How to be a Programmer (中译) (from zenany/weekly@ce37552)
- Ever Wondered Why We Use 192.168.X.X IP Addresses At Home?
- DBAD (GitHub: philsturgeon/dbad), the "Dont Be a Dick" Public License.
国内 github user group~? @gaocegege - 第二届 GOPHER CHINA 大会 (from zenany/weekly@ce37552)