Weekly 04/21 - 04/27
- 催稿人: @ComMouse
- 交稿人: @at15 @arrowrowe @ComMouse @gaocegege @daniyuu
From https://github.com/zenany/weekly/commit/e322ab075d66f19233a8d38b9a4362369e51dd99
GitHub 正经历一场全面的动荡,我们有高管和员工离开的完整内幕
我们听说了很多关于 GitHub 启动资金为 20 亿美元的传说,GitHub 是在数百万程序员中流行的网站,现在传出有 10 位或更多的高管近几个月离职的消息。
Github 看来也摆脱不了大公司病呢
Let's learn a new technology every week. A new technology blog every Sunday in 2016.
Node v6.0.0: World’s Fastest Growing Open Source Platform Pushes Out New Release
Hey, this is even but not LTS.........
Node.js ECMAScript compatibility tables
Node compatibility table, since 6.0 is out. cc @arrowrowe
Sublinear memory optimization for deep learning, reduce GPU memory cost to train deeper nets.
From @sxjscience's stars.
From https://github.com/zenany/weekly/commit/e322ab075d66f19233a8d38b9a4362369e51dd99
今天,世界上最为流行的编程语言都非常相似,像 Java、JavaScript、C++、C#、Ruby、Python 和 PHP 等,用一种语言写的和用另外一种语言写的看起来很像。但情况并非总是如此:在上个世纪90年代,曾发生过一场编程语言的革命,Java、JavaScript、Ruby、PHP 和 Python 都是在那十年诞生的。而现在,我们正在经历另一场语言革命。未来的十年,我们使用的语言不再是今天的这些。
Paul 在演讲中探讨了这场革命背后的驱动力量,以及革命会给开发者带来什么样的影响。
《七周七并发模型》作者 Paul 讲的 cc @gaocegege
作者回顾下自己近八年来所做的一些系统设计,看看犯的一些比较大的血淋淋的错误(很多都是推倒重来),这八年来主要做了三个基础技术产品,三个横 跨三年的大的技术项目(其中有两个还在进行中),发现大的错误基本集中在前面几年,从这个点看起来能比较自豪的说在最近的几年在系统设计的掌控上确实比以 前成熟了很多。
《我在系统设计上犯过的14个错》是阿里毕玄写的,之前他写的架构师画像 非常热
近期,黑客 Phineas Fisher 在 pastebin.com 上讲述了入侵 Hacking Team 的过程。、
cc @swaylq 可以学到很多防范的知识
cc @ComMouse @kdplus @daniyuu
HTTP protocol & RESTful API
Let's Learn ReactJS
This is a blog to introduce React.js, I think it better than its official tutorial. This is an ANLI www.
There are some mistakes (坑= =) in these articles, I will give a correct version later.
I have already fix the mistakes in the article and give a simple example project
Building React Applications with Gulp and Browserify
I highly recommend this website for web newbie
Speech recognition module for Python, supporting several engines and APIs, online and offline.
Small, a small framework to split app into small parts.
cc @swaylq @arrowrowe @BrotherJing @xplorld
是通过反编译获取的 cc @振动 .... 不记得振动的 gh id了
Goutte is a screen scraping and web crawling library for PHP.
Goutte provides a nice API to crawl websites and extract data from the HTML/XML responses.
A scrapper in PHP
An ActionScript 3 application framework for Flash and Flex http://www.robotlegs.org cc @ComMouse
A GraphQL schema created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema.
GraphQL for pg, the readme says graphql will replace rest like json replace xml. I think I can talk about graphql if I have time for next week's lecture. cc @LukeXuan
The front-end framework for building experiences for Office and Office 365.
Fabric is a responsive, mobile-first collection of styles and tools designed to make it quick and simple for you to create web experiences using the Office Design Language.
It looks kind of like material design ... cc @scottsun94
Chez Scheme is a compiler and run-time system for the language of the Revised^6 Report on Scheme (R6RS), with numerous extensions. The compiler generates native code for each target processor, with support for x86, x86_64, and 32-bit PowerPC architectures.
A lot of people (I followed) star it today, and I don't know why .... @sxjscience @laohyx
是个交大的研究生,看 EChart 的 PR 看到的
from @gaocegege
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool http://sqlmap.org
Libretto is a Golang library to create Virtual Machines (VM) on any cloud and Virtual Machine hosting platforms such as AWS, Azure, OpenStack, vSphere, VMware Workstation/Fusion or VirtualBox. Different providers have different utilities and API interfaces to achieve that, but the abstractions of their interfaces are quite similar.
From @gaocegege, and what's the difference with vagrant ?... and packer
HTTP, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy tool
whistle 是用 node 实现的跨平台 web 调试代理工具,支持 windows、mac、linux 等操作系统,支持操作 http、https、websocket 请求,查看请求数据等,可以部署在本地电脑、虚拟机、或远程服务器。
妈妈计划用于解决在看视频网站时 MacBook 发热严重的问题。使用 video 来替换原来的 flash 播放器。
cc @gaocegege @swaylq @LukeXuan
妈妈再也不用担心我的 MacBook 发热了计划之 1080P
@at15 投稿的 妈妈再也不用担心我的 MacBook 发热了计划2 的分支.
From https://github.com/zenany/weekly/commit/e322ab075d66f19233a8d38b9a4362369e51dd99
百度效率云平台 git, gerrit 项目管理 etc
cc @arrowrowe
6 Lesser Known Python Data Analysis Libraries
Python offers a great environment and rich set of libraries to developers while working with data. There are tons of useful libraries out there for novice or experienced developers or analysts for helping out with processing or visualizing datasets. Some of the libraries are really popular and used by millions of developers, for example - Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-learn, NTLK etc. Some of the libraries are not so well known and turned out to be handy in my experience. This article introduces 6 such Python libraries when working with data. Readers might already be familiarized with some of them, but I hope this article still proves to be useful.
Python job scheduling for humans.
An in-process scheduler for periodic jobs that uses the builder pattern for configuration. Schedule lets you run Python functions (or any other callable) periodically at pre-determined intervals using a simple, human-friendly syntax.
cc @LukeXuan @gaocegege life is short, I ~~watch av~~ use python
Let npm install fast and easy.
pnpm is a fast implementation of npm install. It is loosely based off ied.
A tool that allows to embed the R code for complete data analyses in LaTeX documents.
Yet another Markdown writer.
I’ve been using git full time for the past 4 years, and I wanted to share the most practical tips that I’ve learned along the way. Hopefully, it will be useful to somebody out there.
还是有些值得看看的... 比如
npm install from Git in a specific version
Install npm package from git. 专治常年不 Release 的项目.....
BrainFuck Language
Hello World Demo
brainfuck ++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.
Built for you, a NAS providing home media storage in a powerful yet affordable way.
DS216j is specifically designed for home and personal users. With a dual-core CPU, this 2-bay NAS is intuitive and powerful, making sure users enjoy effortless data sharing, multimedia streaming and seamless file synchronization.