Weekly 05/11 - 05/18
Tools from Github
imageserver: Image server toolkit in Go.
pdf2htmlRX: Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.
pdf处理哪家强 .... 感觉可以转成 html 然后解析 html .... jsoup 或者 php 或者 js 都可以了 ..... by @at15
fbctf: Platform to host Capture the Flag competitions.
Log.io: Real-time log monitoring in your browser.
Provides HTML/JS/CSS developers an Xcode project for developing native OS X App,
Exposes a JavaScript API for OS X integration.
by @at15
helix: Ruby and Rust, sitting in a tree (tan or cot /w).
word_cloud: A little word cloud generator in Python.
sympy: A computer algebra system written in pure Python.
nightmare: A high-level browser automation library!
With the chrome extension daydream: Record your actions into a nightmare script.
Nginx-Simple-Watcher: A zero-extra-dependency C++14 nginx server watcher providing CPU usage, mem usage, latest nginx logs and hottest directories, all in JSON format. A simple static web frontend is also provided.
Introducing FBLearner Flow: Facebook's AI backbone: Details about Facebook's ML system.
亚马逊开源的深度学习工具又能带来什么?: Introduction about amazon-dsstne.
Announcing SyntaxNet: The World’s Most Accurate Parser Goes Open Source 好像跟 tensorflow 有关.
Setting up a Deep Learning Machine from Scratch (Software)
cc @mrmiywj 要开始认真学炼丹的男人. by @at15
A Note on Distributed Computing
from @gaocegege 是这个吧? by @at15
Glow: Glow is an easy-to-use distributed computation system written in Go, similar to Hadoop Map Reduce, Spark, Flink, Storm, etc.
nlp_compromise (with a demo) does NLP in the browser, a cool way to use natural language in javascript.
echarts-ng: Simple angularjs wrap for Baidu echarts.
Interesting..I haven't met any problems using echarts in AngularJS. by @swaylq
publish-please: Safe and highly functional replacement for
npm publish
.wechat-h5-boilerplate: A simple wechat H5 template for full screen scrolling.
大概是 scala 的 html2text 吧 by @gaocegege
scala-native from @gaocegege 's star
xbox手柄不能无线连接怎么办 \w/ (光环联机被杀成狗再也不能怪手柄了... by @at15
imgix: Real time image processing.
一个神奇的3d扫描网站 http://threedscans.com/ btw: 应该是用wp做的,图片路径 wp-content/upload .... by @at15
getsiphon: Pain-free publishing for React Native.
本地只需要命令行工具,服务器端运行as和xcode. by @at15
cc @mrmiywj btw: 这编辑器浓浓的jb风格....(应该是jb搞基定制版) by @at15
buckbuild: 支持多种语言的fb家build tool,cc @BrotherJing 支持 rust cc @mrmiywj.
看 buck 的blog 看到的,chrome 内置的看performance的 by @at15
关于CSAPP的博文很棒 by @gaocegege
集群操作系统,把一个集群当成一个机器来用,集群操作系统就是做这件事的,概念不错。by @gaocegege
GitHub3.py (doc), a comprehensive, actively developed and extraordinarily stable wrapper around the GitHub API (v3).
From other weekly
- 林仕鼎-系统架构领域的一些学习材料 cc @mrmiywj
- http://devlink.cn/ PHP 开发者大会 - 2016
- http://maintainablecss.com/ 讲真,我(们)css一直处在原始状态......
- https://code.facebook.com/posts/1072626246134461/introducing-fblearner-flow-facebook-s-ai-backbone/ how fb ml
持续交付的三条主线总结的挺好的:从Code到Artifacts仓库;从Artifacts到Running Service;从开发、测试环境到准生产、生产环境。 cc @gaocegege
Most Node.js frameworks don't come with a fixed directory structure and it might be challenging to get it right from the beginning. In this tutorial, you will learn how to properly structure a Node.js project to avoid confusion when your applications start to grow. cc @说放弃前端还整天用node的口嫌体正的咩 (这名字长度要赶上龙母了)
JavaPoly.js https://www.javapoly.com/ cc @gaocegege
JavaPoly.js is a library that polyfills native JVM support in the browser. It allows you to import your existing Java code, and invoke the code directly from Javascript. JavaPoly works even if the user does not have Java installed on their computer. It finally allows Java to become a first class citizen by running directly in the browser's script tags (and interacting directly with the DOM), instead of being confined to an applet sandbox.
https://realm.io/ 代替sqlite的移动端数据库 cc @BrotherJing