- CSSReference, a free visual guide to CSS.
@ComMouse, @JasonQSY
- Shinatra, a simple web server in 5 lines of bash.
- MySQLTuner-perl
- MyDiary
- CorfuDB
@gaocegege, @mrmiywj
- game-programmer, a full reading guide
- https://github.com/owntracks/android
- https://www.ampproject.org/
- https://github.com/Randommood/YOW2016
- https://github.com/trueadm/inferno
- https://github.com/platform9/fission, serverless framework running on k8s
- https://s905060.gitbooks.io/site-reliability-engineer-handbook
- https://github.com/hypothesis/h, https://github.com/hypothesis/pdf.js-hypothes.is, Annotate PDF can be used for communication on paper reviews
@gaocegege, @mrmiywj
- https://github.com/kripken/emscripten llvm -> js 向js低头
@mrmiywj, @xplorld
- http://www.aosabook.org/en/index.html The Architecture of Open Source Applications