- Lottie, A mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile.
@ComMouse, @at15 - SIGMOD N-grams student contest, 不限制国家不限制学校组队 .w. @mrmiywj, @gaocegege, @arrowrowe, @ComMouse - Log Structured Merge Tree and Cassandra, Course presentation by @at15 - TNTSearch, A fully featured full text search engine written in PHP @ComMouse - A survey of B-Tree Locking Techniques, When implementing B-Tree locking, there are two concepts, locking and latching. Latching protects in-memory data structures between concurrency threads, and should be held only for very short periods. Locking protects database contents (or data in logical) among transactions, and keep in lock manager`s hash table. - CSS Still Sucks 2015, An overview of CSS history and future - pixi.js, 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback - bodymovin, after effect animation to html @ComMouse - Google Web Designer, you can use code as well @scottsun94 - https://www.bigmarker.com/gopheracademy/Distributed-Computing-in-Go-Building-Consensus-with-Raft-Protocol @gaocegege - GitLab.com Database Incident, Summary of a serious ops incident which happened on Feb 1, 2017.
Yesterday we had a serious incident with one of our databases. We lost six hours of database data (issues, merge requests, users, comments, snippets, etc.) for GitLab.com. @gaocegege, @at15