- Akyuu.js, Yet another web framework based on express.js named Akyuu. > 只是觉得名字有趣,具体没看...我是 koa2 用户 @arrowrowe https://www.packet.net/
The Promise of the Cloud Delivered on Bare Metal
Utility for regression testing of web pages using screenshots
https://github.com/oracle/railcar Rust implementation of oci-runtime cc @gaocegege @codeworm96
Volutus is an edge co-location and data center as a platform service, stitching together a network of fully-managed micro data centers deeply embedded in the urban fabric—literally at the base of cell towers
..... so quiet
github running on k8s https://githubengineering.com/kubernetes-at-github/ cc @gaocegege
It properly downloads, validates, and serves the block chain using the exact rules (including consensus bugs) for block acceptance as Bitcoin Core
https://github.com/Browsersync/browser-sync never know there is such thing (for free ....)
http://blog.jobbole.com/112407/ MySQL 8.0.3 新feature
https://github.com/xitu/front-end-handbook-2017 🐑 感觉落后时代很久了
https://github.com/confluentinc/ksql a Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka
http://sabre.io/ open source WebDav, 记得 luge @LukeXuan 实习的时候好像提到过 WebDav/CalDav etc.
https://blog.jcoglan.com/2013/11/15/why-github-is-not-your-cv/ cc @gaocegege
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L10K3bN3Yng Finishing What You Start cc @gaocegege 共勉 /w\
never start a second one in the same category until you finished the first one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSjxg2OSyoY Tolerance for Messiness cc @swaylq 艺术家乾乾 /w