https://github.com/bazil/fuse fuse implemented in pure go used by peerkeep https://github.com/perkeep/perkeep/blob/master/cmd/pk-mount/pkmount.go
http://blockdiag.com/en/ generate sequence, network diagrams from text file https://github.com/blockdiag/seqdiag I think dot also support it, but I never used dot before ... didn't use this either, saw it in the fuse project above
from https://github.com/zenany/weekly/commit/b9afaaa87876ef8d6e3c544fd890f792a4b18d81
- 如果有写 blog 的想法 那就写 (鸽)
- 如果想法很多, 分两个 blog 写并保证每个是完整的
- 不要讲笑话, 先把关键的东西讲明白 (说我呢.jpg)
- 写 blog 前好好沉思 (打开 steam?
Linux From Scratch 的简体中文版,8.3 版本,最新版
原版在 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/
https://github.com/grafana/loki Like Prometheus, but for logs.
感觉就是 log 根据 label 做简单的 index (没有根据 log 内容的全文检索) 然后分 chunk 存 dynamo/s3 etc. 跟 https://github.com/cortexproject/cortex 很像 (好像就是同一波人写的 ... 无限水平扩展就是分片然后存在无限扩展的 aws 里 ...
CNCF 旗下的 container landscape 地图
https://github.com/wangrunji0408/RustOS Rust version of THU uCore OS, supporting x86_64, RISCV32IMA(S/M), AArch64(Raspi3) (在 sjtug 里看到的 @htfy96
然后还顺带发现了 ...
https://chyyuu.gitbooks.io/simple_os_book/content/ 操作系统的基本原理与简单实现
Hackerspeak - learn how to speak like a hacker
(tech buzzphrase生成器
https://github.com/docker/compose-on-kubernetes Deploy applications described in Compose onto Kubernetes clusters https://blog.docker.com/2018/12/simplifying-kubernetes-with-docker-compose-and-friends/ 木有 @gaocegege 的 twitter 我还不知道 ... 论水 twitter 的重要性
https://speakerdeck.com/filosottile/calling-rust-from-go-without-cgo-at-gothamgo-2017 @gaocegege ... from https://blog.filippo.io/hi/
GopherCon 2018: Filippo Valsorda- Asynchronous Networking Patterns
https://go.googlesource.com/gollvm/ go 居然有个 llvm 的 backend
@at15 有一个类似的 docker-compose to k8s translator https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose
https://github.com/thecodingmachine/gotenberg A Docker-powered stateless API for converting HTML, Markdown and Office documents to PDF.
even have a php client ... https://github.com/thecodingmachine/gotenberg-php-client