Fast key-value stores: An idea whose time has come and gone https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub48030 貌似主要是 sharding 相关的(一开始还以为是新硬件相关的 ...) ... 一作以前还有过 SOSP ... https://ai.google/research/people/AtulAdya
The ins and outs of networking in Google Container Engine and Kubernetes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2bhV81MfKQ https://speakerdeck.com/thockin/the-ins-and-outs-of-networking-in-google-container-engine
Automate application workloads management on Kubernetes https://openkruise.io https://github.com/openkruise/kruise
三个 CRD 组成的一个 controller manager
Advanced StatefulSet: An enhanced version of default StatefulSet with extra functionalities such as
, sharding by namespace.BroadcastJob: A job that runs pods to completion across all the nodes in the cluster.
SidecarSet: A controller that injects sidecar container into the pod spec based on selectors.
TFX 科普性文章
TensorFlow 社区推出的机器学习流水线项目,有一篇 KDD'17 的论文介绍过,这篇是开源版本的功能性介绍
From https://github.com/zenany/weekly/commit/edf68f4d6bac89867d06c40256682bf485d4b089 and https://github.com/zenany/weekly/commit/66436d79cc46ce4deabc4553d2a67e8f90d475a1
"Without requirements or design, programming is the art of adding bugs to an empty text file." -- Louis Srygley
- https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/mongodb-charts-is-now-generally-available cc @arrowrowe 咩还记得校园卡使用数据比赛么 ...
- https://www.blog.google/technology/area-120/create-3d-games-friends-no-experience-required/ 我记得我还开过 don't starve together 的 mod 的坑 ... https://github.com/at15/mods/issues/1 (哇 3 年过去了 ... 我除了体重什么都没长进 ...)
- http://mindprod.com/jgloss/unmain.html unmaintainable code : Java Glossary
- https://github.com/rsocket Application protocol providing Reactive Streams semantics
- https://github.com/luna/luna (想起我从没开始认真写的 reilka ... https://github.com/reikalang